Smoking cessation with the help of e-cigarettes and the importance of nicotine in liquid in overcoming tobacco addiction

You realize you're not getting enough nicotine per puff when your 200 puff effort with traditional cigarettes, suddenly comes to 300-400 puffs with e-cigarettes.

It can take a while to get the hang of it. Especially for newcomers, it is difficult to assess at the beginning how long and how strong you should draw, how much nicotine is appropriate and which device is best suited to unleash the full potential of vapor and fully enjoy the liquid. In this area, experimentation is often more important than pure study. Therefore, we would like to give you some helpful tips and tricks so that you can successfully start your vapor experience.

When deciding to quit smoking with the help of e-cigarettes, it is recommended to choose a slightly higher nicotine concentration at the beginning. This may seem contradictory at first, but it is better to have a little too much nicotine at the beginning than too little. Why? Because all that usually changes is the amount of puffs. When someone gets too little nicotine per puff, they automatically tend to take more puffs. Not only does this lead to more wear and tear on the device, but it also means that you have to take constant drags, which can be a strain on former smokers in the long run.

Experience has shown that nicotine is a crucial factor in satisfying the craving for cigarettes. If you have too little nicotine in your e-cigarette liquid, you run the risk of not being sufficiently satisfied and the craving for conventional cigarettes increases.

Play it safe by choosing an appropriate nicotine concentration, e.g. 20 mg salt nicotine or 11-18 mg freebase nicotine, for an MTL (backend vaporizer starter kit). This way you reduce the risk of your craving for traditional cigarettes becoming too strong. When switching to e-cigarettes, it is advisable to maintain the number of puffs you previously took with conventional cigarettes. For example, if you took 200 puffs a day, you should try to take at least 200 puffs via the e-cigarette. Nicotine cravings should be satisfied preventively to allow for a smooth transition.

Over time, when you can no longer imagine smoking conventional cigarettes, it is possible to gradually reduce the number of puffs on your vape from 200 to 150. Once you get used to this new puffing habit, you can start to gradually reduce the nicotine concentration in the liquid. When doing so, it is advisable to increase back to 200 puffs to ensure that your nicotine cravings continue to be satisfied. After some time, you can again reduce the number of puffs to 100-150.

This gradual process makes it possible to control both the craving for nicotine and the habitual feeling of pulling. Of course, only when you are sure and feel the desire, you can switch to nicotine-free liquids.

It is important to observe your own progress and listen to your own body and mind. It should be noted that this path of gradual reduction and conversion to nicotine-free liquids is individual and everyone should find their own speed and strategy.

Switching from conventional cigarettes to e-cigarettes is an individual journey that requires individual adjustments. If you have any questions or uncertainties, it is advisable to consult professionals or a doctor.

Especially at the beginning, it is recommended to use an easy-to-use e-cigarette starter set and to draw evenly. When exhaling, the real pleasure unfolds, unlike conventional cigarettes. Only then will you be able to experience the variety of available flavors in all their glory.

Our goal is to motivate as many smokers as possible to dare to quit smoking with the help of the e-cigarette. Everyone can develop an individual strategy to successfully start vaping and gradually get rid of nicotine addiction. Please Share!